Alberta, home to the one of the worlds most bland, boring politicians & clearly one of the most clueless. His name is Ed Stelmach...and to his friends (the few) they call him Steady Eddie.
Ed Stelmach is the Alberta version of Paul Martin (Federal Liberals). He flip flops on things. Sometimes they are small like when he added 10 cents a can tax to a beer, then revoked that tax. Other times his flip flops are larger, like when he institutes a royalty regime for the energy industry then..when the industry decides it's cheaper to drill in Sask or BC, he changes it. And then changes it again. I guess Ed skipped that part of business school where they teach you that one of the best ways to attract investment is with something called "stability". I never believed Eddie's royalty plan was about anything than trying to capture votes at a time when crude was burning up near $150 a bucket.
Ed also likes to spend. In fact, Eddie and his boys in E-Town have increased government expenditures at near double digits. The Alberta government also spends more per capita than Quebec (that statement goes over as well as putting a Trudeau statue in Olympic Plaza).
But then again, Ed never really won the Leadership of the Conservatives.. You see he came in 3rd. A Calgary oil boy with the name Dinning came in 1st with a redneck country boy named Morton in second. As leadership conventions go..Ed ended up winning. In short, Alberta's managed by a 3rd rate loser.
One more thing this clown did that pissed me off..was limiting prices at pubs during happy hour. Who are you to ban what a bar charges it's customers? For a second I thought I was living in a nanny state like Ontario which controls it's liquor for the "good of society".
The thing with Ed is that he was pretty cocky. No way the Liberals or NDP would have a chance. But along came this party called the Wildrose Alliance. They didn't exist 2 years ago. A few weeks back they thumped Ed in a byelection in a 40 year Con riding (Eddie came in 3rd). Now polls show that the Wildrose Alliance is at 22% support. Seem low? Well consider they didn't exist 2 years ago and were a no show in the last election
And the WRA are about to chose a new leader. One of the potential leaders is Danielle Smith. She's intelligent, well spoken, fiscally Conservative and I don't think she cares if gay people hold hands. And she's a MILF too. Better be careful Ed..because that Conservative Dynasty is on pretty shaky grounds dawg.