I walk by this place everyday on the way to work, so on Friday I thought I'd stop in. I had thought it was a coffee shop, but not really
The Purple Perk is a sort of sandwich cafe & coffee house. It's pretty difficult to pin down exactly what it is, but it is good. They sell a variety of hand made panini's, sandwiches and salads. I had an artichoke & tuna panini & a roasted veggie & cheese panini. They're excellent & I went back on Saturday for more. They do sell coffee & their own version of a frappichino, but it's only so so, and I never thought it was worth the 4 bucks.
Inside there are about 30 seats, but the majority of people s eem to want to sit outside on the street & watch the world walk by. The staff is pretty cool & laid back, so you don't get that ooey formal feeling when you go in there. All in all, it's a good sandwich shop and 20 bucks feeds 2 people (with drinks)
Tip. Go early, or you'll find they have no food left.
The bathroom doors are kinda wierd too. They remind me of a entrance to a private investigatiors office in the movies.