Friday, March 30, 2007


Tried a couple of local microbreweries out here. One is Alley Kat, a reasonably decent brew, but it's hard to find. Alberta has private liquor stores, which means they're open late, but sometimes the selection sucks. So far the best is Willow Park Wines, which reminds me of the LCBO. Its big with lots of selection

I've tried Wildwood Brewery, which makes OK micro stuff, but it's nothing great. I haven't tried it all, but I'm getting there.

Alley Kat. I sorta hoped this would be the brew, but it's so far been a disappointment. I haven't tried it all, but I'm close

Big Rock. It's good beer, nothing great, and it's local to Calgary. But it's not outstanding. And they sell beer in cans. Ugh.

Waterloo Region, which is home, is also home to some fine beer. One big reason is that the water is "hard" or full of limestone. Limestone ruins your clothes, leaves stains on your dishes and rots away your bathroom, but it's PERFECT for real beer. I used the term "water softener" out here and no one knew what the fuck I was talking about.

A friend of mine lives in Edmonton and has found a store that sells Waterloo Dark. Edmonton is 300 kms away, but I think it might be worth the trip to fill up the seats. U can't beat the boar man. Ain't nothing better.

Ironically, the first computer contract I did out here was at Labatt. Kokanee is king here.

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