So I had interviews today. I woke up to snow, lots of it. If you think Toronto creeps along in snow, try this city. At least the radio doesn't tell you it's a crisis 100 times an hour.
So I left 90 minutes early and was late for the first interview. No biggie, outside of running out of window washer on the Deerfoot. Not that it mattered cause we were only going 20 kms along. Interview ends, I go home.
I go to leave for interview 2. I stop to buy some bus tickets ,but no luck, so I proceed to the C Train station (Calgary subway). I park, walk inside with a 20 and go to buy a ticket. I can't. There is no change machine, no booth AND the C train machine only takes coins. No visa. No debit.
So. I start asking people for change cause I have to get downtown. About 5 minutes into this endeavour, along comes these two "C Train Police", who advise me begging is illegal and they'll ticket me for loitering. I'm wearing business clothes and good shoes. Apparently these guys have their head in their ass.
I tried to explain I was asking for change, but they stated they'd received complaints and I should leave the station immediately. I said to them I needed to get a train downtown and needed some change and that I thought it might be a WISE idea to put change machines so people could by tickets.
At this point, Mr Cop decided I was being a problem and stated that if I did NOT stop begging for change and leave immediately he would charge me. This is when I got pissed off.
Now those of you that know me know I'm a WEE bit sarcastic and abrasive at times. In short, I have an attitude problem. And I got pissed at the cop. I told him to go ahead and write me up a ticket in my Ontario address & that he could stick his fucking head in his ass. And I asked him, have you never seen a fucking bum you stupid tool. And do they WEAR BUSINESS ATTIRE? Then I proceeded to tell him to take his hayseed redneck Rambo attitude and shove it in his ass.
I was then escorted out of the C Train station and advised to temper my attitude around authority. The conversation ended with me standing at my car asking the Transit Cop how many fucking HOMELESS people own NEW cars too.
So, I drive downtown. Only to find that there are NO parking spots anywhere in the entire core. So I drive to the outer core and park there. Oh, did I mention that parking garages in Calgary don't have elevators. GUESS where I parked. On the top fucking floor.
And when I got back, I went to get in, but the door was locked. So I had to get security to let me in the parking garage. When I asked why, he said "it stops homeless people from sleeping in here" Brilliant. And the elevator? Non existent. So I walked up 10 fucking floors in business clothes. THEN, I get to the top, only to find the machine is BROKEN. So, I drive down some floors and I see a lady and ask here where I can pay. She says go to the 4th floor. So I drive there and I need to park to go inside. So I a spot reserved for people that go to some hotel. ALL of the spots are empty.
So I go inside, pay my fee after finding the machine, come back to the car to find a parking guy about to ticket me. He proceeds to give me a lecture on parking in the hotel spot when I am not a guest.
At this point....I am now nuclear. I am soaked in sweat from running up and down stairs, walking 10 blocks in slush & NOT happy. I calmly explained to him again what had happened and that next time I would not pay, I would simply go downstairs, get out of the car and KICK THE FUCKING GATE OFF.
Parking in Calgary is fucked. Not everyone carries 300 bucks in fucking loonies in their pcoket. It's the TWENTY FIRST CENTURY. Can we get a DEBIT and CREDIT CARD machine?
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