Friday, March 9, 2007

My first full day in Calgary

Calgary is 2 hours behind Ontario, so I woke up at 7 AM MST. Everyone in the house had left for work, so I washed some laundry (it needed it, believe me), had a shower and split. On my way up to visit a buddy in the NE of the city, I pulled up to the offramp and had someone knock on my window. Turned out it was an off duty cop.....his first words were "it's not the 401 anymore". For those of you that don't know what the 401 is, it's a major highway in Southern Ontario, and speed limits are optional. The cop told me he looked in his mirror, and saw my car race by so fast he couldn't get my plate. Turned out, he had lived in Peel Region (part of the greater toronto area), so he figured I had just arrived. He proceeded to ask me how I got my car to go that fast, then warned me I'd have a stack of tickets if I didn't slow down. He said that people out here drove slower & weren't in such a rush. He also told me to drive the speed limit through school zones...not 1 km faster than posted. People also stop here for pedestrians. To the point that if a person is standing at the side of the road, people will stop for them. The memories I have of trying to cross a road in Toronto are those of cabbies speeding up to hit me. It's sort of a game I guess. This is going to take some time to get used to. I grate my teeth at the people that drive 110 in the fast lane. And they seemed pissed at me for passing them.......

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