Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I love pizza. I admit to loving it, and knowing it's bad for you. In Waterloo, my favourite place to have a slice was the Gino's on Highland Road. For some reason, I love that pizza, even if it's corporate per se.

In Calgary, it's like impossible to find a slice. I found a place in a strip mall near the house, but they don't sell slices. In the major shopping areas, there are NO places to find a slice of pizza. This is retarded. The one place I did find, near my gym, was crap. The slice was 2 bucks and TINY. He asked me if I wanted another, but I was like, um, no thanks.

There is apparently a place called the Wicked Wedge on 17th that is supposed to be good, but I'm sure it will cost a small fortune. I had two chicken shawarma's last weekend in Kensington and they were 25 bucks with pop.

And I can't find Brio anywhere.

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