Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wierd weather

So I arrive here and it's 17C, Sunday people were out on the patio having pints. I wake up today, it's snowing and cold. It is now mid afternoon &......it's warmed up and sunny. :?). It's bizarre, but sure beats overcast skies all the time in winter.

Went to the gym for the first time in 6 weeks today. The Goodlife here in Calgary is AWESOME. I go to one at Richmond Square on the west side of Calgary. Goodlife is still renovating it, but it's got brand new equipment, huge TV & the change room is very nice. They even have an ironing board for those business types that get a wrinkle in their shirt. Aside from being too far away (until I get my place in downtown), it's so nice, I want to go there.

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