Sunday, April 8, 2007

Beer in Calgary

I've tried a whole stack of microbreweries out here, but I still cannot find one I really like. I like Grasshopper from Big Rock & I like their other stuff, but there is something missing. This seems to be a problem with all the micro's I try out here. Something is missing. And I think it's the water. Beer is apparently best brewed with hard water, something that the area from Fergus to KW is famous for. If you don't know what hard water is, wash your dishes in it. It leaves spots that become nearly permanent in the glass. It also rots away your bathrooms & your pipes...

But it makes for great beer. And there is no hard water out here...and the only Ontario brew you can get is Sleemans (which I might add is much cheaper here). Just I prefer Brick.

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