The C train, otherwise known as the LRT is Calgary's "subway" but it's above ground. It's pretty vital to city like this which is just endless miles of wasteland suburbs (known as sprawl).
Riding in today, I could not believe how crowded this is. I spent a year on the GO Train and TTC, and it was nothing compared to this. It was so crowded you literally can't move. This city wants people to take transit, but the option of taking transit is so bad even a bus riding dood like myself thinks about taking the car.
But what really needs to happen is that this province & city get a real government that "gets" it. For far to long, Calgary and Alberta have been run by backwater morons more suited to live in some farming town baling hay or making moonshine. Klein's "pay the debt" legacy is now clear. The infrastructure of Calgary is crumbling. The transit system is maxed out and the road system is designed for a city of 500K. Not 1 million. I've no doubt that this city will CRASH and BURN if it continues to grow at the rapid pace it is growing. Or people will just get fed up and leave.
And who runs Alberta? Some backwater hayseed named Ed Stelmach. He's apparently a farmer of some type from Northern Alberta. That's exactly the kind of guy you need to run a province like Alberta (note sarcasm).
What's also telling is that almost my entire office wants out of this city. When I worked in Toronto, the residents of downtown lived there by choice. Not here. Most people seem to be ready to flee and many of them are fed up with high costs and poor services. That does NOT bode well for the future nor does it build a city.
And if you're a TTC or GO rider, don't whine. The system isn't perfect, but it's sure alot better than what we currently have. I'll soon be living downtown, so transit isn't an issue, but it is for the rest of this city trying to get to work.
dude chq this out
free songs, aussie label
be well