Friday, April 6, 2007

Calgary City Services

If you listen to locals you'd believe that Calgary is a rich, modern city. And it is rich. Just the government doesn't get that.

Calgary city services are a fucking train wreck. I ride the C Train to work, and it's so crowded some mornings I can't move my arm to get my cell phone. Sometimes I let trains go by and wait for ones that are less crowded and after work, I go sit in the Second Cup on Stephen Ave and read the Herald waiting for the people to leave. What's worse is that there is NO AC on the transit system, so in the summer, we'll all be jammed in. I won't be part of that....because I'll be living downtown. I wrote the mayor and asked him why they just don't remove the windows on the buses and trains, that way we can hang out the side like they do in India.

Another REALLY annoying part of C train life are the Nazi C Train cops. During non rush hours, they enter trains and impolitely ask you for your tickets. Of course, they don't come on the packed trains, so if you want a free ride, just take a busy train.

But what's more annoying is that while these Nazi C Train cops are harassing people that might have skipped out on the 2.25 ticket, hordes of noisy, stupid morons hang out at the C train stations blocking doors, turning off escalators & leaving garbage everywhere. Nothing is done about this at all. Nothing pisses me off more than some moron kid decked out in his "anti authority" overpriced clothing he bought at the nearby mall after hanging out in the food court having KFC. Do these morons believe that's anti authority? Do they think it's "punk" to change the world by throwing their 7-11 Slurpee cup on the ground? The Dixie Chicks are punk rock. Rosa Parks was Punk Rock. Nellie McClung was punk rock. Jello Biafra was punk rock.

Sorry lewsers, but you're not anti authority & you're not cool. You're a bunch of fucking morons that have nothing better to do with their life. So get your ass out of my way before I'm tempted to go "Ontario" on you.

The Ramones - Beat On The Brat

Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat
Beat on the brat with a baseball bat
Oh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh.

What can you do?
What can you do?
With a brat like that always on your back
What can you do? (lose?)

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