Monday, April 16, 2007

Contrived Communities

It is now week 5 of living in suburbia. I'm not here by choice, but out of necessity until I find a place in the core of Calgary.

One thing I find about living in suburbia is that you need to drive everywhere. That includes 7-11, the only store within 2 kms of this house. I find it amazing I can drive so many kms each week JUST to go to work or go out. And no matter how many times I drive around these areas, I can never find anything interesting. People seem so excited because of the large power centre nearby, but my god, is life ONLY about shopping? What is with people & their need for recreational shopping?

The weird thing about the suburbs is that it's not an ugly place. The houses are nice, the streets wide, the atmosphere pleasant. Yet, it's a place without any soul. It's devoid of life. It's absolutely boring. They call it a community, but it's not, it's just contrived.

June 1st I will be out of here. And none too soon. For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would want to live here, then venture off to the mall. It reminds me of some twisted version of Disneyland. I'll take an urban street scene over this any day.

1 comment:

  1. I know a place just like that!!! It's called fucking Mississauga!!!

