Sunday, April 15, 2007

Movie: Radiant City

Just saw the movie Radiant City, which is playing at the The Uptown The Uptown is the local Arts & Rep cinema, located on 8th Ave in Downtown. It's a decent cinema & the place holds much potential. It is right across the road from The Globe, another local arts cinema. Calgary has 3 art cinemas (to my knowledge), the 3rd being The Plaza in Kensington

Radiant City was filmed in Calgary & it's about suburbs. Calgary is truly the king of suburbia so it's rather fitting.

The film is good, it's not too condescending, and if you pay attention it points out the paradox of the "suburban community". It's easier to watch than "The End of Suburbia" another more alarmist film. Noted in the film is James Kunstler a well known advocate of urbanization & author of The Long Emergency

The actors in the film are surprisingly good, all of them local. They all really pull it off. Well worth the few bucks to see it if you're into living the "urban" lifestyle.

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