Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Oh, I'm outta here in a few years"

I hear that comment regularly from people in Calgary. Calgary is like a ho of sorts. She's here to give you what you need ,then you're on your way. Everyone I talk to is here only for the money & they're planning their exit. There is nothing long term. It reminds me of the commuters that would move to Cambridge because house prices were lower. The city itself was secondary.

Calgary has it's faults. It's a city that lacks leadership at the local government. It's a city that has no vision of it's future unless it's a "ring road" or some code word to soothe bitchy pocketbook citizens. But Calgary is on the up & up. Putting the whole job thing aside, it's got a great club & live music scene. It's got a solid arts scene. It's got a great Indie Arts Weekly called FFWD. It's got some good local TV & some good local radio....including it's local college station CJSW. It's also got some great downtown neighborhoods....The Mission, Marda Loop, Kensington, Inglewood & I suppose to some degree, The Beltline, tho it seems to be more about 21 year olds renting houses to be close to some bar.

If you ask a Newf or Maritimer about home......u won't hear about the faults, but about the good. Same for a Quebecois, Ontarian, Torontonian & anyone from Van City. Yet you don't seem to hear that much out in Calgary. What you hear is a litany of complaints...

Calgary lacks cohesion. Calgary is a whore & it's populated by a group of people here to take what they can get, then sell & get the fuck out. And that should worry the local government alot more than some ring road or how tall the new Bow Centre would be. And it should worry the citizens. Great cities are build on the strength of their communities which make for a great city. That's lacking out here. And that's really too bad. C Train & stupid drivers aside, this is a pretty damn good place

Now if they could just LOWER the beer prices.

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