Friday, April 13, 2007

Stupid Politicians

I dislike politicians. While some people blindly follow the Liberals or the Conservatives, my choice on the ballot is usually "None of the Above".

To further help entrench that feeling, along comes Howard Hampton. Howard is the leader of the Ontario wing of the NDP. Mr Hampton's save the environment plan is notable because......get this.....he wants to save the world without eliminating large vehicles....such as the SUV. Sound sorta odd? Not really, when you consider he picks up more than a few votes from the CAW crew who happen to make good money building SUV's. Is this any different than Harper protecting the oil business? Or the Liberals kissing the asses of their old money buddies in Quebec? Isn't it ironic how each party points out the weaknesses of the other party, yet often commits the same crime.

And these morons all spend money trying to figure out why we don't vote. Then, they'll claim the reason is, we're too busy or we're preoccupied, etc, etc, etc. Maybe they should just stand up and realize a whole pile of us don't buy their bullshit anymore. We're just not as stupid as we were 20 years ago.

In fact, I'd venture to say that the only people that blindly support a political party are indeed blind and stupid. If you want to be blind and stupid, find a religion. At least they talk about "hope".

1 comment:

  1. Had our cynical juice this morning didnt you ?

