Anderson said the poll may reflect "the new normal" for both the Liberals and Conservatives, which is "not whether they can get to 40 (per cent) but whether they can sustain a number that's higher than 30 or 35."
"And that obviously puts in question whether or not there's a majority government for anybody in the forseeable future."
Excellent. Oh, it's not excellent for anyone involved in partisan politics. They'll complain that nothing is getting done, blah blah blah. I say whatever. From where I'm sitting it looks like the government is working just fine. Bills get passed, things get done JUST that it takes a little more co-operation than the political morons are used too. In less polite terms, it's know as "you can now longer show through your own agenda"
Since the gutless turds in Ottawa won't give us proportional representation, this will have to do. Everybody gets a hand in the cookie jar and everyone learns to share. NO MORE MAJORITY governments in Canada. Woo hoo. I'll take it.