Apparently a really common thing to do out here on long weekends is to get a 4 wheeler ATV & go tear up the wilderness. The most common place to do this is Indian Graves, this place southwest of Calgary.
To each his own, but I really gotta wonder how riding a 4 wheeler in the woods destroying nature is getting you back to nature? How about buying a mountain bike and riding in the woods? It's amazing the number of people out here that have these ATV 4X4 things just for sport.
There are also alot of people offended by this stuff too. I was amazed at the number of people that wrote the Herald and called into a talk show about it. It made the top of the news for 2 days.
Call me weird but isn't getting back to nature when you walk in on foot and find the peace of nature, not tear it up with a giant truck?
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