Conservatives 34, Liberals 31, NDP 16, Green 9.
I love reading this. Welcome to the new future of politics in Canada. No clear winner. Some claim this is bad, but I say bah. Now each and every political party has to work to appease everyone or risk getting the carpet yanked from underneath them. It's much like a game of Survivor where you cooperate with the person you hate so you can stay on the island.
Canada doesn't have proportional representation. I'm not sure why, but it's likely because the the two major parties in power know that if they enacted a bill to create it, it would greatly diminish their powers. That alone tells you how much these morons give a shit about people. It's all about themselves. I mean, only a politician would believe that 42% equates to a majority.
In fact, I'd argue that the current system is what creates so many fractures in the country. East vs West vs Quebec vs Maritime s. When the Liberals where in power, it was about Central Canada (Quebec and Ontario), it was exclusionary. No doubt Harper would be pro-west too, but given he can't do anything because of his minority, he's learned to try to be balanced. The kicker is, this has alienated his fan base in the west. The same thing happened to Klein as he got softer, some of his fans ran off and started a hard core right wing Alberta party which gets about 10% of the vote.
So here is to hoping this stalemate lasts forever. It's good for this country. It's democracy. No one has the absolute power to shove through what they want too. Because that's what it's about. Whenever you hear someone say "nothing gets done in a minority" you know they really mean "we can't push through our agenda anymore"
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