Friday, June 15, 2007

Liberals win

Calgary's growth is changing it as a city. Earlier this week, we had an by-election, and in Calgary-Elbow the Alberta Conservatives lost. It was Ralph Kleins former seat.

There is alot of talk about what happened. The government of Alberta has ignored Calgary for the most part and really pissed off it's citizens. The transit system is overloaded, roads are bad, schools falling down & all of this in the richest city in Canada.

But I can't help wonder if the growth of Calgary and the huge influx of outsiders are the real reason for the change. Few cities in Canada vote in Conservative governments. That's likely due to the complexity of a city, the different cultures & income groups that live in a city. Calgary's reached that stage now so I think you'll see more changes coming. It may very well be the beginning of the end for the Conservative dynasty.

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