Monday, July 16, 2007

AIr Conditioning

Cities like Toronto & Montreal go nuts in the summer with Air Conditioning. It's bad for the environment, but I like it. I really like it when I'm forced to wear business clothes (which I hate).

This isn't the case in Calgary. There is AC, but not to the extent in Toronto and some places don't turn it on. It's possible to find yourself in an office where it's wearing long pants & a shirt. The +15C is also not air conditioned so if you have to walk, you'll find it really hot in some of the glass areas. REAL hot.

Even the shopping malls aren't that cold. If you walk into the Eaton Centre in Toronto, a wall of cold will hit you. Not the case here.

BUT THE that transit is NOT air conditioned. A few C Trains have AC, but otherwise you're out of luck. Let me tell you how much is sucks to ride on a PACKED bus without AC when it's 33C. The old C Trains are worse. The heat from the brakes does not dispel, so the heat rises into the car. There are alot of people dripping sweat in the cars.

Needless to say, I've met more than a few guys that walk to work, some as far as 1 hour each way. It's just less horrible than enduring the sweat fest on transit. You get a real dark tan too.

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