Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Edmonton Bound

This weekend I went to Alberta's capital city. The locals call it "E Town" or "Edmonchuk". People in the east seem to believe it's the western cousin of Buffalo, NY. So now I shall bore you with my trip there & what I thought of the city

I decided to take Highway 2A rather than take Highway 2, just for the sake of doing something different. Plus, if I drive slower, I save gas ;-).

Just past Airdrie, which is essentially a suburb of Calgary now, you exit Hwy 2 and get onto Hwy 2A. Airdrie, if you're interested is just a large suburb of a city & I didn't find a specific downtown. Airdrie is about 25 kms from downtown Calgary and based on traffic, I would say it's the last "commuting point" for people. Pretty much everyone exits the highway in Airdrie.

Stop 1...

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