Another gem in the Mission is the Great Canadian the old plaza near Ducky's pub at 4th and 21st. May's is owned by what appears to be an Asian family and open 6 days a week...from 7 AM to 4 PM. It's a classic every sense..including the fact it doesn't take debit. That annoys the hell out of me..but such is life I guess.
Nearly the entire menu which is mostly typical Canadian breakfast fare & some Chinese food for lunch is under 10 bucks. That sounds like alot..but in Calgary, anything under 10 bucks is a deal. I had Steak Breakfast which was about 9 bucks with a couple of cups of coffee. The food is good & the service is fast. Besides, where can you get a steak for less than 10 bucks for breakfast ?
I've heard a rumour that the landlord of the building isn't renewing leasing...leaving me to fear that perhaps that building is doomed to be dozed and rebuild as more high end condo's. With the declining real estate market..perhaps plans will be put on hold. Across the street, they're working on a new commercial/residential building between 21st and 20th Ave..and it will no doubt be expensive.
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