Sunday, March 29, 2009

On The Way Home

Since mid November, I've been living in Edmonton doing some work up here. Calgarians seem to dislike Edmonton and there are glaring differences between the 2 cities.

The biggest problem with talking about Edmonton from a Calgary perspective is that Edmonton folks get VERY upset at the comparisons between the two cities. Any type of debate or argument quickly turns heated & it becomes a "Calgary versus Edmonton" thing. I'll be the first to admit that Calgary can be a bit snobbish at times and does give Edmonton a raw deal but some of it is deserved.

So, until I return to Calgary, the following is all about Edmonton..


  1. Glad to hear from you! I'd love to see your perspective about Edmonton. I'd be nice if you could compare it to Calgary. ;-)

  2. Oh, I'm going to ;-). I'll try to be balanced too
