Friday, April 10, 2009


I am originally from Ontario and have lived in Alberta a total of 3 times, each time I come back I stay longer.   

One thing that really burns my ass is the people who seem to have a hate on for Alberta just because it's Alberta.   The last time they were here was 1982 and they automatically assume life is still the same.  You know, we're all about eating steak, voting Conservative & drilling for oil.  

I don't think it's a stretch to say that 25 years ago Alberta WAS a rather "redneck" place...hence names like Cowtown or Deadmonton.   What these people don't seem to realize is that much has changed in the past 25 years.   If you walk through the streets of Calgary you're more likely to see a sushi or Thai food place than you are a steak house.  Or the assumption that because there is a perpetual "Conservative empire" out here that we're all backwater hicks.   One thing you learn about living out here is that what is happening culturally has little to do with who is in power at the Legislature in Edmonton.  In fact, I'd say the artistic community is far more cohesive in cities like Calgary...and especially in Edmonton because the government's only focus is what's happening in the oil patch.  

The other stereotype is that "oil patch workers" are all roughneck hicks.  There is a grain of truth to that if you're to go to a camp in Fort McMurray, but having did work for dozens of oil companies in Calgary you're more  likely to find the CEO or CFO heading off to a wine tasting then him going gopher hunting.  Same for Edmonton.  

If you're one of those people that posts in forums labelling Alberta as nothing but a bunch of hicks...get over yourself.  Or better yet, come and live out here & take some time to open your mind and understand that the "redneck" majority is a minority.  The rest of us just doing our thing, we don't like country music & we don't go gopher hunting on weekends.  

The longer I live out here, the more I realize the narrow minds of this nation are more likely to be found in Toronto or Montreal than they are in Calgary or Edmonton.  People come here for make more money, to advance their careers..or some just for a change in life.  Something fresh, something new.   The one great attribute about Alberta is that it's a place where there ISN'T a whole bunch of government interference when you want to do something.   Feel like renting a condo and working out of it?  Go right ahead.  Try doing that and publicly talking about it in Toronto..the city will be on your doorstep in 30 days to talk to you about "zoning laws"

I could do with some more urbanization out here..but all in all, I like the mentality of Alberta.  And if you believe we're all greedy oil barons..then example the Green Party's monster showing in Calgary in the past election.  In some ridings they came in second.   Number 1 with wind power too.  

Just something to think about.  

1 comment:

  1. Hiya,

    Just thought I'd comment briefly, in praise (if anything) of the blog here.

    I'm a 27 year old male, raised in Vancouver, but am currently completing my Masters in Education in Scotland of all places.

    I've actually applied to the Calgary School Board to teach history in Calgary, largely as a result of reading this blog, and a few other very insightful guides.

    No recent source that I have read calls Calgary a "hick town", and no one that I know who has spent time there recently refers to it in this fashion either.

    Thanks for all the useful information so far!
