Don Cherry. Yawn. Yeah, I realize this guy is a big proponent of hockey AND he's very supportive of the game. He owns/owned the Mississauga Ice Dogs, he's supportive of kids in the game and all in all as a commentator on the game he's pretty good (well at least from an Eastern perspective)
But Cherry makes a good fit for the CBC because both of them seem so "90s". His latest battle with some doctor over head injuries is about as predictable as a Chinook in Calgary..just the Chinook is something you actually look forward too. For the past 15 years, it seems Cherry has become more about shilling the "Don Cherry" brand than having anything compelling to say. He's rants remind me of those types on Twitter who regularly remind you of how wonderful their product is & why you should rush out to buy it. Crass and contrived...
Hell, the whole "Hockey Night in Canada" (or should I say Hockey Night in Eastern Canada) franchise seems tired. I was watching a Flames game at my pub last week on TSN and I couldn't help but notice how slick the whole production was. I suspect the day is coming when CBC will just drop HNIC and TSN will take over.
Impress me Don, do a Coaches Corner during one of the later game sometime. You know..the 3 teams that exist in Western Canada...all of them with better records than your precious Toronto Maple Leafs.
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