I'll predicate this post with the statement that I'm the first to admit that I think the tar sands are "dirty" and that we need to work harder at cleaning them up.
Yet, I find the attitudes of Ontario and Quebec more than a touch annoying in this Copenhagen thing. Here's why:
Quebec: In the history of Confederation, Quebec has received approximately 217 billion dollars in federal transfer payments. Alberta has given up 244 billion dollars. Quebec is a place where tuition is quite cheap & where it's families receive "almost free" daycare. One has to wonder how much of these programs and others are funded by federal transfer payments (of which Alberta contributes the most).
Ontario: The single largest source of CO2 emissions in Canada comes from the Nanticoke, Ontario coal fired electrical plant. If you've ever lived in Ontario (and I'm from Ontario) you know that summers mean smog alerts and high levels of particles in the air. These coal fired plants were scheduled to be shut down 2 years ago, a promise made by the Ontario Liberal government. They are now scheduled to be shut down in 2014, but given the dismal investment in renewable electrical generation, I think that's highly unlikely. For the record, Alberta produces more wind generated electricity than Ontario..and we've got 1/4 the population. Ontario is also a place where it's commonplace for people to commute 150 kms a day to work. One only needs to travel the 401 from Cambridge to Toronto..or the 400 from Barrie to Toronto..or the QEW from Hamilton to Toronto to know the concept of "traffic congestion.
On top of this, Ontario is now a "have not" province & the federal government had to "bail out" their largest industry (car manufacturing) and I think it's pretty easy to assume that petrol dollars were used to help prop up the 10's of thousands of auto jobs in Ontario. Another little mentioned fact is that during the last climate negotiations, the Federal Liberal government EXCLUDED the auto industry when negotiating a climate deal.
Alberta is the economic engine of Canada. The oil sands, dirty or not, have given hope & an income to people all across Canada. They've helped folks from the East coast and Quebec earn a decent income to send money home. The massive investment in the tar sands has fattened up the bottom line of Toronto based banks. The oil sands have given job opportunities to those from the prairies & from BC. The oil sands have injected billions into the pockets of citizens of Canada.
And what does Alberta get in return? Nothing...just ridicule from much of Eastern Canada. Any wonder why so many of the people in this province always feel slighted by the "East"?
As a person born in the East...there was a time when I didn't understand "western alienation" but now I completely understand it AND I agree with it. And I support it. Rather than stand up and condemn Alberta...the only province that's never received federal transfer payments, perhaps the rest of this country might stand up and say "THANK YOU"
My flag...is blue.
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