Saturday, January 16, 2010

You know Stelmach is in trouble when.....

One could give you a million reasons why Ed Stelmach and the Conservatives are in trouble in Alberta. The polls showing the Wildrose Alliance with 40% of support. The endless slew of angry letters to the newspaper decrying what a loser this guy is, etc, etc, etc.

But you really know you're in trouble when conservative talk show hosts turn on you. Dave Rutherford of QR77 fame is a Calgary legend and a notoriously right wing talk show host.
Early this week Dave and co host Rob Breckenridge interviewed Mr Stelmach after he did a cabinet shuffle..presumably in the hopes of halting the slide in support for the Conservatives. Ed answered all the questions and sounded very "political"

The next day on the Rutherford show Dave came out guns blazing against Stelmach. Rutherford speaks his mind..and whether you agree with his politics or not it didn't take long to grasp that even right wing radio hosts can't stand the Conservatives & Ed Stelmach. Fuck the polls man, that should scare the shit out of this guy. When the de facto right wing mouthpiece in a right wing city can't stand're toast. with butter.

The end of the 40 year old Conservative dynasty in Alberta is fast approaching. I don't know what will happen in the next election but I'm suspecting that we will have a minority government with the Wildrose Alliance the official government and the Con's the opposition.

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