Saturday, August 11, 2012

5.5 years

I was watching TV the other night and stunned to see a photo I recognized on TV.  It was one I'd posted on this blog about Sobey's Urban Fresh in Edmonton.  I realize I've neglected this blog for several years now.  Life gets busy and it gets hard to find time to write.

I sat and read the blog and realized it had been over 5 years since I returned to Calgary.  What I had no mentioned prior is that I'd lived here several other times, including growing up in public school, later leaving in high school during an oil bust. 

Much has changed since I moved back to Calgary and most of it for the good.  Reading my former posts I am reminded how much my opinions change over time & how much has happened in life.  Here I thought I had a dull life as I sat around studying, exercising & working. 

I'll start by updating significant changes to Calgary first. 

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