Monday, August 13, 2012

Calgary Hail Storm

Unless you've been living under a rock this year you've probably seen we've had some wild, nasty weather across North America.  Debilitating drought, smothering heat & what seems to be an unusually high number of storms.

Alberta has it's fair share of bad weather.  Bad weather has repeatedly hit Edmonton & the Big Valley Jamboree was forced to end early due to bad weather.   You may remember the Big Valley Jamboree as the place where the stage collapsed in 2009.  I was living in Edmonton at the time & we had a nasty thunderstorm that day.

Yet, in all this bad weather, Calgary has mostly been spared.  There have been weather warnings and a few storms, but nothing really bad.  If you live in Calgary, you know summer often brings dangerous weather.  One thing I have to say about thunderstorms in Alberta is that they need to be taken seriously.

Last night Calgary had it's first truly bad storm.  The sky looked like a camera's flash going off every second.  The storm was centered more over Airdrie, a small town just north of the city, but some areas of Calgary got it.  Hail started falling, some as large as small softballs started falling.  You can tell it's ugly outside when you can hear the hail smashing things.  This morning the Calgary Herald had reports of "millions" of dollars in potential damage and some cool pictures (click on the link).

On the plus side, this storm looks to be bring in some cooler weather.  Summer here has been usually hot with temps at 27 or 28C daily.  While that might not seem hot for folks living in the East or the USA, the sun in Alberta is exceptionally strong.  That, coupled with low humidity & blue skies make for some very hot weather in the direct sun.

One note:  If you are moving to Calgary & own a reasonably decent car, I'd suggest underground parking.  It will save you the cost of repairing your vehicle or driving around with little dents in it (like mine). 

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