Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dry Air

Today the temp hit about 28C in Calgary. It was clear, sunny & very nice. It's also very dry, and that's a GREAT feeling. The air feels thin & cool & when you're in a suit/business clothes, 28C doesn't feel that hot.

If I was to walk around Toronto in summer in a suit, I'd be dripping with sweat. I like humidity, but only when I'm at home, wearing shorts and sandals.

The lack of humidity makes for cooler nights, but the days are much more enjoyable. The air feels fresh and it's not heavy, and it's not unbearable. It also makes for a truly blue sky. The view of the Rockies were absolutely clear today in the morning.

And when it's hot out, Calgarians go out in droves. Stephen Ave was a wall of people when I walked out of Bankers Hall at Lunch.

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