Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Meant to write this a few days ago after I left the gym.....

Calgary tap water is awesome. It's almost always cold & has none of that "flavour" to it. And of course it's free. I've heard that Dasani (div of Coca-Cola) actually uses Calgary water for it's Dansani Bottled Water

Calgary water comes from the Glenmore Reservoir, which is fed by the Elbow River, which is fed by glaciers, currently declining in size. Apparently we get some water from the Bow River, tho I can't see's a big river, just not that deep.

Speaking of water, why are the biggest granola bars always sucking back bottled water? Yes, it might be cleaner than the water in the tap, but is it better overall? Plastic is made from oil. And how about all that transportation? How much gas gets burned and how many greenhouse gases get made just because you want a bottle of water? And so what if you recycle it? Isn't it cheaper to buy a filter for your house and put it in a hard plastic bottle you can reuse?

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