Sunday, July 29, 2007

Shaw vs Rogers

Do you hate Rogers? If you're from Ontario, I bet you do. They're the WORST company in the business of cable TV. Not that their products are bad, it's their customer service.

Shaw Cable kicks ass. I bought an HDPVR from them & had some trouble setting it up. I had a weak signal and they came over and fixed the issue within a few days. Shaw's customer service is great, they're friendly & happy, unlike the angry dicks at Rogers.

I have Shaw Internet & Cable & so far it's been great. No interruptions in the service, the internet is fast (they have 25 MB Nitro internet here) and the TV is great. My only complaint is that they don't have OMNI TV Toronto and I'm hoping that changes as Rogers has bought CITY TV. Shaw seems to give a shit about their customers unlike Rogers. I'm sure people have complaints about Shaw, but so far I'm happy.


  1. Just wait...Shaw's customer service will soon go downhill for you. Shaw is pretty much a joke here in Calgary. They are great until they have you on board...then notice things like service calls slip, delayed customer service response, and general ineptitude from their staff at problem resolution.

  2. Both shaw and rogers have let me down in customer service. We need more players.
