Saturday, August 4, 2007

Ed Stelmach

For the past 20 years, the premier of this province ignored this city & let the city crumble. When the booming growth hit, the city fell apart. Overcrowded transit, areas without schools for 10 years, etc, etc, etc.

So along comes Ed Stelmach, who "won" the leadership of the Conservatives in Alberta by default. The leadership convention originally pitted Dinning, an urban oil guy against Ted Morton, a backwater hick best suited to some honky tonk in Arkansas. The leadership contest pitted the rednecks against the city people. And up thru the centre came Ed Stelmach, the king of mediocre.

Stelmach's not a popular guy in Calgary. Most of the city is pissed off at him because he seems to care more about the boonies & ignores Calgary & it's needs. Calgary is the economic powerhouse of Western Canada & quite literally, the Centre of the Universe West..and because of that makes demands for money to pay for city services.

So what's Eddie Stelmach do to "inspire the troops"? Rather than fix the transit system, he spouts off about how the "rest" of Canada keep it's hands off "Alberta". That might resonate amongst a bunch of 60 year olds, but it's not going to make it's mark on a city where the average person is 30 years old. It's definitely clear that Stelmach has NO CLUE what's going on in Calgary.

Politicians are idiots.

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