Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hottest Summer in half a century

It's apparently the hottest summer in over 50 years or some number like that. I guess the word hot is relative. Typically, it's about 27C here, the humidity around 35% and it's almost always sunny. I don't find the heat that unbearable, I just find the constant sunshine annoying, mostly because I walk home in business clothes (for 45 minutes) and it's not that pleasant.

If you're moving here from Ontario, summer's a breeze. For those of you that have never experienced summer in South Ontario, consider yourself fortunate. Yesterday it was 44C with the humidity in my old city. The air is thick, polluted & stifling. Getting in a car that's parked outside in Summer in Ontario is subjecting yourself to pure hell. When I lived in the east, I had no AC, so after some time you just learn to deal with the heat.

I find the most annoying thing about summer is the constant sun. Life here feels like the movie groundhog day. I wake up, it's sunny, I walk to work, it's sunny. I walk home, it's sunny. You'd think one would like the sun, but sometimes I wish it would just get cloudy for a bit.

The other night in the mountains it was 1C. Bring it on.

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