Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Calgary is a city known for it's large vehicles & is the home of the SUV. While some will say the SUV is the root of all evil, I must disagree. The root of all evil is the driver of the high end BMW/MERCEDES/LEXUS SUV.

I'm not sure what driving school that these people went to, but they apparently missed the class on "where you can park and where you can't park". Parking your 100K overpriced showpiece in the alley or in a lane of traffic while you're going to get a coffee just isn't cool. Nor is taking up 2 parking spots for fear of getting your car scratched. When I was growing up in the West side of Toronto, doing this ensured someone keyed your car. Some call it vandalism, I call it peer pressure.

And I don't really understand the point of these SUV's. I used to drive a Jeep. It had big tires and on weekends I'd drive 1000 kms into the north, then go down some logging road for 3 hours to go mountain biking. The idea of having a 4x4 that was tough enough to go off road made sense. It also made sense for the locals in small bush towns where it snowed 440cms a year.

But it seems to defy logic that you need your BMW 9 Series 4x4 in an urban city. It's not like your taking it off road because you might "scratch it". And you're claim about needing it in the "snow"? This is as un-Canadian and gay (with all respects to LGBT community) as having a hockey puck that glows on the TV screen. It's Canada for fuck sakes, learn to drive in the snow. We used to use back wheel drive Chevy Impala's and we still managed to get to Grandpa's house for Christmas. And before that we walked everywhere anyways.

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