Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Election

I'm a sort of an apolitical person..which in lay people terms means I think they're all a bunch of idiots. Canada's a fucked up place when you realize that the most "honest sounding" politician is Gilles Duceppe & the mandate of the guy is to create his own country.

When Harper called this election, I suspected he did so because he thought he might eek out a majority, albeit a small majority. His competition is pretty weak...Dion is too academic & Layton is just the usual shrill annoying Layton. The Green Party..for all they do..is more a movement than a political party.

This campaign has been a train wreck for Harper. People used to criticize the guy for "muzzling" his party members, but now we why. Because he HAD to...because apparently some of them don't have the sense to shut up. My own riding is Calgary Centre and our MP is Lee Richardson. He recently stated in FFWD Weekly that the bad people weren't the ones that grew up next door (implying foreigners/immigrants were bad).

It's interesting how attitudes like this always group "cultures" together. If a Chinese guy is caught in a gang, then the usual cry erupts that "we shouldn't allow these people here" and "why doesn't his community speak out against this bad person'. And this thought process exists...for every culture expect 1 culture. White people. I'm a white guy, and when another white guy does something bad, does he reflect who I am? No. And I'm not expected to "speak out" against "white people" when they do something wrong. The Chinese community is supposed to speak out against the few members of it's culture that are in Asian gangs...but I don't see white culture speaking out the few white people that are pedophiles.

The world is full of different cultures. This is a good thing...and it's even better when they open up a cheap restuarant in my 'hood and I can eat there ;-)

But let's be clear, Lee Richardson needs to realize immigrants aren't the problem. Assholes are. There are two kinds of people. Good people and assholes....and to quote Chris Rock "The Assholes have Got to GO"

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