Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flat tires and cracked windshields

I lived in Ontario for about 15 years or something like that. Anyways, it was a long time. During that time..I never once had a crack in my windshield nor do I remember getting slow leaks in my tires.

One can't help but notice how many tire stores there are in Edmonton & Calgary and I know why. Because the government here PURPOSELY puts rocks & nails on the roads to keep these dudes busy.

For the FOURTH time in a year, I've had to take a tire in to get it patched. I came out of the gym yesterday to find my tire completely flat. Luckily, an Esso was just around the corner so I crawled over there and inflated the tire

**SIDE NOTE**. Nothing pisses me off more than gas stations that charge you $1 for inflating your tires. This is a bigger scam than pubs that don't take interact but just happened to have their own bank machine on site. A buck to fill up my tire? If we still had full service gas station no doubt these dudes would charge you money to check your oil. If you own a gas station and you charge me for air, I won't pay..and I'm not buying gas there. You cheap bastards

Anyways...nothing sucks more than coming out of the gym to be greeted by a flat tire. I was going to change it there but I was still wearing my gym clothes and I was semi covered in sweat. Plus, I was thirsty and wanted to get home and have some water.

Alberta uses rocks on the road to give you traction in the winter. Given the number of accidents I saw in Edmonton in the winter AND my outrageous insurance because of such, I'm not sure this idea works. Where it is VERY efficient is destroying your car in the summer. The city has enough money to spread out the sand and rocks, but not enough money to pick them out. Invariably, these stones meet your windshield and they completely destroy it. Some guys out here have glass that looks like a spider web. The sand..acts as a sand blaster and in a year or so your window has a million little pits in it. Try driving in the sun..looking through this. You can..and this may also explain why insurance rates are so high here.

I think I'll rant about insurance a bit later.

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