Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mr Spock does not live in Edmonton

My insurance rates: same car..that's getting older and I'm driving LESS and the cities are decreasing in size and traffic volume.

Toronto car insurance: $100.00 a month
Calgary car insurance: $162.00 a month
Edmonton car insurance: $224 a month

Reasons for high insurance? "Per capita, the risk of a collision is substantially higher in Edmonton". This MIGHT be...because the city doesn't plow streets out here so the potential collision risks are higher

Reason for not plowing roads? : The high cost of snow removal would increase property taxes. Ah.

So today's question has some math

You are a citizen of Edmonton and you have two options:

1. You pay an extra $100 dollars a year in property tax to clean roads
2. You pay $500+ in increased insurance costs, put your life at risk AND will deal with the annoyance of having an accident.

Seems pretty tough to me
/end sarcasm

1 comment:

  1. The City of Edmonton does not plow the streets? This is the first that I have heard of this and cannot believe it. The best thing to do is look into heated storage edmonton and put the car away for the winter months. You will save money in the long term and only drive your car for half the year.
    edmonton self storage
