Friday, May 11, 2007

Jim Buckee

Jim Buckee is a name most people probably don't recognize. He's an older, conservative looking fellow who happens to be the CEO of Talisman Energy, a large & very profitable energy company here in Calgary.

On Wednesday, during the Talisman shareholder meeting, Mr Buckee stated that "world oil production has maxed out". More literally, "Peak Oil".

Buckee is the first executive to publicly state that we've reached or are close to Peak Oil. If you are unsure what Peak Oil is, google it, and make up your own mind.

Like all good capitalists, Buckee see the bright spots in Peak Oil. Higher prices, which mean higher profits for his business. Always trust a capitalist to see the profit in what is otherwise a serious calamity for the world.

His comments where splashed across the business section in the Calgary Herald, along with a writer that talked about "if" Peak Oil would happen. Not sure how "if" fits in, considering the black goo is non renewable, but anyways....I was more surprised by the lack of coverage elsewhere in the media, notably the Globe and Mail. The G&M had a huge write up on this months back, but completely missed this comment. Enviro doods & granolas whining about Peak Oil mean nothing, but when an oil God says it, surely that must hold some weight?

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