Thursday, September 20, 2007


So yesterday it snowed. Not alot, just flurries, but it was cool to see. It's weird to see snow on Sept 19th...usually in late Sept you're impatiently waiting for the end of the heat & hoping for cool weather. I say bring it on.

I've also noticed that the sun is setting much earlier and rising later. It's dark by 8, vs 11 in the summer and the sun is not up when I wake up. I know from past experience that by late winter, the sun sets around 4 30.....and comes up at 9. You're at work....and it's dark.

Daytime temps are 10C now, maybe 15C on a good day, and 2-5C at night. It's hard to believe it's still technically summer, but who is complaining. Cool, fresh, light air makes for a great walk to work.

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